How to Use Microsoft OneNote

Microsoft OneNote

Microsoft OneNote is an innovative note-taking app with several features designed to benefit students and teachers. This tool provides digital records of assignments, class notes, homework, research projects, etc. It features a user-friendly interface which makes navigation simple while its collaboration and sharing abilities enable individuals to work together or with groups on projects – not to mention compatibility across devices!

OneNote has several helpful keyboard shortcuts designed to save time. For example, creating new Pages using Ctrl + N or undoing actions using Ctrl + Z is possible as is searching your Notebooks or Pages using Ctrl + E. Additionally, OneNote’s Optical Character Recognition (OCR) feature can extract text from images or scanned documents within its notebooks; this can help save you time when taking quick notes during video calls with remote teams or taking lectures remotely.

OneNote offers another useful feature – audio/video recording capabilities – making it especially helpful when attending lectures or meetings. This feature can be found under the Insert tab, nested beneath Transcribe option. OneNote also has various drawing features which can assist users in annotating, sketching ideas, or solving equations.

If you would like to share one or more pages from a notebook with others, the File menu provides the ability to export this particular Page into PDF. Please be aware, however, that this will only export the current view and any changes made since then – this can lead to formatting issues when trying to submit notebooks for marking as well as difficulty distinguishing who made changes within paragraphs shared between multiple individuals.

OneNote is a cloud-based program, meaning all information stored in Notebooks is hosted online and not on an individual’s local device. However, this can present difficulties if using OneNote for summative work as sharing or accessing their work can become challenging when they leave your school or the district altogether. Therefore it is advisable to create separate notebooks for groups of students or an individual.

OneNote Notebooks are organized into Sections and Pages for easy navigation as your notebook becomes larger. Rearrange and rename sections by right-clicking on their tab, clicking and dragging, right-clicking again on Section Tab > Rename, labelling with descriptive titles for easy identification; add tags to items within a Section or Page which allow for searching later using Find Tags feature of Home Tab which displays list of tagged items; this will also help organize notebook better!

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