What is Adobe AIR?

Adobe AIR

Adobe AIR is software that enables users to run specific programs on their computers, providing a runtime engine for other programs to run optimally – for instance FlickrDesktop Search and Flipper as well as ImageDropr, Adobe Media Player and ReadAir utilize this runtime engine.

Adobe developed Adobe AIR to enable developers to develop and deploy rich internet applications (RIAs), similar to desktop apps, on multiple operating systems. By taking advantage of native system resources and offering end users intuitive interactions like any other app would.

AIR leverages web technologies like HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create an environment for applications. This enables developers to write once and deploy across multiple platforms without rewriting code for each one; making transition between desktop and Web apps as smooth as possible so users can interact with them seamlessly.

AIR allows developers to utilize native controls like buttons and scrollbars, as well as various functions designed to speed up application development by experienced developers – including drag-and-drop interface, copy/paste capabilities and support for multiple languages.

AIR also facilitates document technologies like PDF and HTML for document display and interaction, enabling RIAs to be accessed across devices including desktop computers, mobile phones and tablet computers as well as digital televisions.

Although Adobe AIR provides developers with numerous advantages, its use hasn’t always been met with appreciation by consumers. Some have complained of its slow performance and lesser functionality when compared with native alternatives, as well as security concerns with some Adobe products.

Adobe has provided basic security support – limited to desktop platforms (Windows 7 and later, and Mac OS X) – for AIR v32 until late 2020. After this date, support for desktop version of AIR has been passed onto HARMAN who will provide updates regarding functionality or bug fixes directly with users.

To uninstall Adobe AIR, users can access their Control Panel by selecting “Start,” followed by “Control Panel.” To highlight and uninstall an individual program name in the list of installed programs, right-click and choose “Uninstall.” Similarly, Adobe Flash Player may also be uninstalled using this process on Windows systems. Depending on its application creator’s distribution strategy, Adobe AIR’s uninstallation may be automated via an installer; alternatively, users may have to distribute an installer separately themselves. For further assistance regarding installation and uninstallation methods please visit its Help and Support Page dedicated specifically to that product.

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