What is Discord?

Discord is a communication program that combines video chat with social media features. Users can join either public or private “servers,” similar to chat rooms for certain topics or games, to meet like-minded individuals. They can also create servers of their own to bring together friends or coworkers with text and voice chat channels, file sharing options and other features.

Discord is a free app designed to be user-friendly for both newcomers and experienced users, making servers setup effortless with prompts and templates, whether public (anyone can join) or private with members added by invitation or shared link. Channels exist for different forms of discussion: text chat, video chat and voice chat; furthermore Discord partners with companies offering integrated services like music and streaming media streaming services.

Discord provides more than text and voice chat – it also enables users to customize avatars, send files, use emoji reactions to respond to messages, create private channels or messages only visible to themselves, as well as two-factor authentication which requires them to provide both their password and an email/text code when signing in. It works seamlessly across most major operating systems (macOS, iOS, Linux and Windows). Plus there’s two-factor authentication; which requires entering both password and email or text code when signing into Discord for two-factor authentication in addition to entering password when signing in; plus two-factor authentication requires sending an email/text code with password in addition to entering password.

Gaming may be Discord’s primary use, but it has also become a hub for all sorts of communities and groups of friends. There are Discord servers dedicated to co-workers at an organization as well as people enrolled in music or dance classes as well as students wanting to form study or interest groups.

Discord provides users with the means to find other people to chat with by using its search function or browsing available servers, suggesting similar people based on what information it knows about them. Privacy settings allow them to control who can see their direct messages while scanning incoming messages for any potentially inappropriate material.

As with any use, discussing Discord’s usage with your child is vitally important, particularly if they use an open public server that connects directly to the internet. Make sure they know how to protect their username and password as well as report abuse or spam. In addition, ensure they understand how to set their server privacy and moderation settings properly.

Discord is an incredible platform that brings people from across the world together around shared interests. Kids can use this app to form connections outside of school and connect with their peers between face-to-face meetings; yet like any other app or website, it can be misused with inappropriate or harmful content surfacing through it. As with any digital platform, however, Discord must always be monitored closely; parents should watch out for their children online and remind them to check privacy settings and Direct Messages prior to accepting invitations to public Discord servers if joining public Discord servers if joining public servers; additionally read Common Sense’s full article: Discord – Chat for Gamers

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